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CodingBat code practice

Welcome, brave one! Whether you are a code warrior or a programming magus, this is your starting point for many fruitful adventures. If you have yet few adventures in coding beneath your belt, first help us clean up the farms (Warmup 1) and fields (Warmup 2) around the City of Esab for some practice battles with fairly low health mobs. (We will have a Lorebook for the creatures around here; they are well known. So you'll always be able to check the Loremaster's solution if you get stuck.)

Esab Farms Esab Fields

Once you've mastered the various mobs in the around Esab, you'll be ready to head into more dangerous territory and start to battle code monsters that are a bit stronger. No more Lorebooks, I'm afraid, though an occasional note (hint) from a previous loremaster might be found around. The first places to venture are

Caverns of Gnirts - these beasties have invaded the caverns and are clogging our power lines

Desert of Cigol - tricky and precise creatures are blocking travel via the Oasis

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