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CodingBat code practice lasa_drills_01 > LASA_borderDigits
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Provided two arguments, seq (a sequence of digits 0-9) and sub (a sub-sequence of digits 0-9), return a new sequence containing every digit, in order, that comes immediately before or after every appearance of sub in seq. If a digit is shared by two appearances, it should be included twice in the output. Appearances may be at the beginning and/or end of seq, in which case only existing digits should be included. Assume that sub.length() > 0 and that there are no overlapping appearances.

LASA_borderDigits("12345", "34") → "25"
LASA_borderDigits("05675670", "567") → "0570"
LASA_borderDigits("12121", "1") → "2222"

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public String LASA_borderDigits(String seq, String sub) { }

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