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CodingBat code practice > getSmallest3_DifferentLengthsA
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public int getSmallest3_DifferentLengthsA(int[] nums)

Given an int[] array whose length is anywhere from 0-3,
i.e. it has either zero, one, two or three elements,
return the smallest value.

This problem requires that you check the length of the array
before you try to access an element, to make sure that it exists.

Therefore, you will have 4 different if statements - 4 different sections -
one for each of the possible array lengths.

public int getSmallest3_DifferentLengthsA(int[] nums) {
  int smallest = 0; // default if length == 0 (the empty array)
  int len = nums.length;

  if (len == 0) {
    smallest = 0; // NOT NECESSARY, because length == 0 is the default

  if (len == 1) {
    smallest = nums[0];

  if (len == 2) {
    smallest = Math.min( nums[0], nums[1] );

  if (len == 3) {
    smallest = Math.min( nums[0], nums[1] );
    smallest = Math.min( smallest, nums[2] );

  return smallest;

getSmallest3_DifferentLengthsA([]) → 0
getSmallest3_DifferentLengthsA([5]) → 5
getSmallest3_DifferentLengthsA([3, 6]) → 3

...Save, Compile, Run (ctrl-enter)

public int getSmallest3_DifferentLengthsA(int[] nums) { }

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Difficulty: 1

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