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CodingBat code practice > compliance
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Problem Description Coral Code Compliance

An oceanic data repository contains access codes that must comply with specific validation rules. The rules specify a range and a required character, and an access code is valid if the required character appears within the specified range.

Given a list of strings in the format "{min}-{max} {char}: {access_code}", determine the number of valid access codes.

compliance(["1-4 r: reef", "2-5 c: corals", "1-3 o: ocean", "3-6 t: turtle", "5-8 e: eel", "2-4 m: marine"]) → 2
compliance(["1-2 a: aquarium", "3-4 b: bubbles", "2-3 s: sharks"]) → 3
compliance(["1-5 x: xylophone", "2-4 c: coral", "3-6 m: manta"]) → 1

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public int compliance(String[] accessCodes) { }

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