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CodingBat code practice twelvedaysofap

I will plan to publish a problem every day. Most are logic problems, 1D array or String. No need to submit, but PLEASE, try and do these, and if you have problems or questions, COME talk to me. I am available every day before school, after school, and schoology.

You all know the material. You learned it the whole year. It's just about getting into the right set of mind.

1. isSteep  - isSteep (Thursday) 1D array, logic

2. isFuntion  - isFunction (Friday) 1D arrays, logic

3. howManyB_C  - hwManyB_C (Saturday) String .Harder. String, logic

4. makePhoneNumber  - makePhoneNumber (Sunday) String

5. - logic1020 (Monday) Logic

6. - checkerBoardMN (Tuesday) 2D array

7. - stripesBoardMN (Wednesday) 2D array

8. - circleBoardMN (Thursday) 2D array
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