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CodingBat code practice



Given a list of triangles, return a corresponding list of booleans (True or False) specifying whether they are right triangles. Each item in the list of triangles is a list of three side lengths for the triangle. For example, given a list of three triangles [[3,4,5], [12,5,13], [1,1,2]], the output would be [True, True, False]. Assume the side lengths are allowable for a triangle.

areRight([[3, 4, 5], [12, 5, 13], [1, 1, 2]]) → [True, True, False]
areRight([[4, 5, 3], [10, 24, 26]]) → [True, True]
areRight([[16, 12, 20]]) → [True]

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def areRight(triangles):

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